Patient Registration
Thank you for choosing the The NeuroCognitive & Behavioral Institute as your healthcare provider. Please complete this patient registration form with your information and our staff will contact you shortly. Registration is open to residents of United States only. By submitting this form, you consent to a diagnostic evaluation. Please note that we utilize artificial intelligence technology to analyze your test data.
Patient Status
Please Select
New Patient
Current Patient (Registered more than 6 months ago)
Patient's Legal Name
First Name
Last Name
A parent/caretaker is filling out this form on the patient's behalf
Caretaker Name
First Name
Last Name
Caretaker Email
Caretaker Mobile Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Patient's Preferred Name
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Patient Age
Gender at Birth
Patient Primary Address -- We May Ship Materials to Your Home for Your Assessment -- Please verify!
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Current Location:
Patient Email (do not repeat caretaker email)
Patient Mobile Phone Number (do not repeat caretaker mobile number)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Consult Reason
Please describe why you are seeking our services. Example: I struggle with ______.
The patient interested in:
Counseling/Psychotherapy Services only
A full neuropsychological evaluation only
Both Counseling/Psychotherapy Services and a full neuropsychological evaluation
If you wish to receive a standard neuropsychological evaluation, please indicate if you are also interested in receiving any of the following:
Learning Disability Assessment
Autism Assessment
None of the above
Preferred Location
Bedminster, NJ
Livingston, NJ
Mt. Arlington, NJ
Telehealth, NJ
Telehealth, US States EXCLUDING NJ
Preferred Evaluation Modality: (For Hybrid and Telehealth, please ONLY check if you meet the following requirements: 1. Own a personal computer. 2. Can navigate the PC independently. )
In Clinic Only
Telehealth Only
Hybrid (Combo of In clinic and Telehealth appointments)
Does the patient own a personal computer with a camera and microphone? (For Hybrid and Telehealth options)
Can the patient navigate a personal computer independently? (For Hybrid and Telehealth options)
ERROR Please Modify Your Selection: The Patient Must Have a Working PC AND Be Able to Navigate the PC Independently for Telehealth and Hybrid Options. Please select "yes" in the previous two sections or select "In Clinic Only"
If Hybrid or Telehealth modality was selected, do you have access to a printer to print out materials for your assessment
N/A, I did not select Hybrid or Telehealth
Yes, I have a printer where I can clearly print several documents (~ 40 pages)
No, I require that this be mailed to me
If Hybrid or Telehealth modality was selected, do you have a phone stand that can be adjusted 360 degrees
N/A, I did not select Hybrid or Telehealth
Yes, I have a phone stand that I can use for my evaluation
No, I require that this be mailed to me
Language Patient is Most Proficient In. If English, skip.
Referring Provider/ Primary Care Physician Name
Please ensure we receive your relevant medical records ahead of any appointments.
Other Referral Source: (If not referred by a Physician)
Health Insurance
I have health insurance
I would like to speak to the finance department to explore out of pocket costs
The patient has Medicaid as their primary insurance
Primary Insurance Company
Name of Primary Insurance Holder
Primary Insurance ID Number
Front of Primary Insurance Card
Back of Primary Insurance Card
Secondary Insurance
I have secondary insurance that I'd like to use.
I have no secondary insurance.
Secondary Insurance Company
Secondary Insurance ID Number
Name of Secondary Insurance Holder
Front of Secondary Insurance Card
Back of Secondary Insurance Card
How did you hear about NCBI
Please Select
Word of mouth
Family and friends
Search Engine (eg google)
Other Website
Insurance company
Referring Physicians
Which Center are you interested in
The Neurodevelopmental Disorders Diagnostic and Treatment Center
The Mind-Body Neuropsychiatric and Mental Health Disorders Center
The Sleep Study and Treatment Center
The Center for Acquired and Traumatic Brain Injuries
The Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Would you like to receive email updates about NCBI
Yes, subscribe me to emails about NCBI
Marketing Permissions
Direct Mail
Customized Online Advertising
*Registration is open to residents of the United States only
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