LEAGUE SPONSOR - $2,000 (1 Available)
Large banner displayed at the baseball fields during the season, promotion on the GBLL website & social media, your organization’s name printed on all uniform sleeves league wide. You will see promotion on the GBLL website & social media.Sponsorship money goes towards league fees and expenses for the 2025 season!
FIELD SPONSOR - $1,000 (2 Available)
Sponsor a field for the 2025 season! Large banner with your business or organization's name printed on it displayed above home plate for each game on the backstop. You will see promotion on the GBLL website & social media.Sponorship money goes towards field improvements and maintenance.
TEAM SPONSOR - $500 (12 available)
3x3’ Banner displayed at the baseball fields during the season, your organization's name on the back of your team’s 2025 jersey, promotion on the GBLL website & social media.
3x3 foot banner displayed at the baseball fields during the season, promotion on the GBLL website & social media.
Sponsor a single player this season!