We’re Here to Help! - To make sure you get answers quickly and easily, here are some helpful tips before submitting your question:
Paylocity Portal. Many quesitons like PTO balance, paystubs, direct deposit changes and W-4 forms can be addressed directly in the Paylocity Portal.
Best Care Website. Visit our website to find the PTO request form, get instructions on requesting employment verifications and other helpful resources.
Late Timesheets. Timesheets received after the deadline 5pm Thursday will be processed with the next payroll. Please ensure your timesheet was submitted on time before making a support request. Thank you for your understanding.
Error Timesheets. Timesheets must be error free to be processed. Please check your timesheet for errros before making a support request. Thank you for your understanding.
Electronic Visit Verification. Transition to EVV for real time confirmation that your time submissions are received, and fewer payroll issues due to errors. If you have issues with EVV use one of the other methods (Email, Best Care Timesheet App, Fax).
Watch This Timesheet and Payroll Best Practices Video to learn how to fill out and submit your timesheets correctly to avoid payroll delays. Ensure you're paid on time with these helpful tips!
Still need help? If you still need to submit a support request please complete the form below. Please submit only one support request per issue.