By submitting this form I hereby give my child/children permission to attend this event sponsored by the The Experience Vineyard Church. I understand that RVC personnel and volunteer chaperones will supervise this activity. I release the Experience Vineyard Church staff, volunteer chaperones and all funding sources from any liability or other legal action.
I hereby authorize any director, adult leaders, or agent of the Youth or Children's Ministry of The Experience Vineyard Church to obtain emergency medical treatment for my child at any time during the above named activity. I understand that an attempt will be made to notify the parents first. If the parents are not available, however, the youth will be taken to the emergency room at the nearest hospital as circumstances may warrant.
Each parent is required to submit a signed permission slip prior to the date of the activity. If NO PERMISSION SLIP IS RECEIVED, THE YOUTH/CHILD WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE.
It is imperative that each child be picked up at the conclusion of the activity. It is your responsibility to ensure that your child is picked up promptly.