Please only use this form to nominate one person or company at a time. If you would like to nominate more than one person or company, please use this form again separately.
One person may not nominate more than one person/business per category. (Example: You may nominate someone for a Junior First Citizen Award and someone for a Distinguished Service Award, but not two people for a Junior First Citizen Award.)
Each nomination MUST come with at least TWO letters of recommendation. If you have letters from other people to accompany this nomination that will be submitted separately, please let us know. Please also indicate if you will be physically dropping off or mailing us your Letters of Recomendation.
Physical address: 435 W. 1st. Ave, Albany, OR 97321
If mailing, please address to: Albany Area Chamber of Commerce, DSA Selction Committee, PO Box 548, Albany, OR 97321
If you need assistance: Please email Janet at, Jadyn at, or call the Chamber office at 541-926-1517.