You must provide at least 2 dishes with a focus on wild and locally-sourced ingredients, these must be unique from your standard menu.We will assit with marketing your dish by providing signage to be displayed at your stall so that attendees can easily identify your special local wild offering dishes. We will also market your unique local wild menu items before the event through our social media.
We have limited power on site so are unable to offer electricity to vendors. Please bring your own generator to power your stall. This cannot be in your towing vehicle as this must be removed from site.
The event runs from 12-6pm. All vendors will need to be onsite by 10am. No vehicle movement will be allowed on site between 10:30am-6:30pm. You must comply by the instructions of the Stall Manager at all times.
There will be no car parking on site, once set up cars will need to be parked off site.
As we have a strong sustainabilty focus at our event please ensure you use compostable/ eco-friendly servewear.
There will be a vendor fee of $100 + GST for all successful applicants
You must hold a current food registration certificate.
Completing this form does not automatically mean your registration will be accepted. We need to ensure we have plenty of variety and vendors that reflect our event.