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Estimated time to complete: 10 minutes. Please answer honestly and to the best of your ability.
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Data Model 1/5
When answering the questions, please choose the answer that is closest to your current process.
Do you have a single view of your customers across all online & offline systems?
Not Sure
Do you use data and insights to match audiences with products/services they are most likely to purchase?
Yes, we use data from multiple data points to generate personalized communications.
Partially, we use channel insights individually to improve the offer.
Minimum, we have a high-level understanding of what products are relevant to different segments.
No, we send promotions and communications to all audiences.
Lean Process 2/5
When answering the questions, please choose the answer that is closest to your current process.
Can you have the necessary data for any given operation available where you need it within 1-2 days on average?
Not sure
Marketing Design 3/5
When answering the questions, please choose the answer that is closest to your current process.
Are your campaigns curated, relevant, and contextualized, or do you treat everyone the same?
Yes, we have an automated workflow that analyzes data from multiple channels to send hyper-personalized communications.
Partially, we analyze data from different channels independently, sending partially-personalized communications to different audiences.
Minimum, we send communications to a large number of people, with a low chance of sending in-context communications or offers.
No, we only do basic profile-based audience segmentation.
Are my campaigns & content in a reusable library?
Yes, we have a library of reusable campaigns to accelerate campaign implementation and scalability.
Partially, we have a library of reusable campaigns to accelerate scalability but we don’t update it or we don’t use it as much as we could.
Minimum, we have a small library that we rarely use.
No, we create all campaigns from scratch.
Are my campaigns multi-channel or true omnichannel?
True omnichannel, we create hyper-personalized communications that are both automated and synchronized across all channels.
Multi-channel, we create automated partially-personalized communications on different channels independently.
Minimum, we manually create partially personalized communications on different channels independently.
Optimization and Control 4/5
When answering the questions, please choose the answer that is closest to your current process.
Do you have systems that use individual attributions to decide which communication a user should receive when the user is eligible for multiple campaigns at the same time?
Yes, selecting the best possible campaign for every user is part of our hyper-personalization strategy.
Partially, we send one communication at the time to make sure the users are not overwhelmed with messages, but we don’t really hyper-personalize communications.
Minimum, we send communication based on our calendar of activities and promotions.
No, we target everyone at the same time based on our own plans.
Do you optimize messages based on users’ preferred communication channels?
Yes, we do automated optimizations sending appropriate messages based on the channel and on individual channel preferences.
Partially, we optimize our communication based on user behavior OR communication channel. But not both.
Minimum, we rarely optimize our communications at an individual level.
No, we don’t optimize messages at an individual level.
Measurement & Refine 5/5
When answering the questions, please choose the answer that is closest to your current process.
Do you evaluate the performance of campaigns against objectives by using control groups to measure attribution and shape future campaigns (including ROI evaluation)?
Yes, campaign control groups exist for all campaigns. They are automatically designed by the campaign management tool, and advanced attribution modelling is used to measure multi-channel campaign performance
Partially, campaign control groups are used to enable analysis of incremental revenue and interaction uplift.
Minimum, there is an on-going universal group holdback from all communications (yearly / tertial control group)
No, we only evaluate campaigns through simple metrics (e.g. Open Rates, Click Through Rate) without control groups.
Are you able to track leads throughout the conversion funnel, including evaluating the value and quality of leads from different sources over time and acting upon it?
Yes, conversions from online lead generation activity to store visit and purchase is tracked and measured for future optimisation
Partially, lead quality is evaluated by source and channel, and the potential to convert at each stage of the conversion funnel is known.
Minimum, the number of customers within each stage of the conversion journey is identified but potential to convert is unknown.
No, leads are not tracked through the conversion journey
Contact Details
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e.g. Digital Alchemy, Nike, Adidas
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e.g. CMO, Marketing Manager
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