Stones River CT & Dressage Show 03/08-09/2025
Open 1/28 Closes 2/25
Show Bill
Combined Test offered both days(SRPC Member $70/Non-member $80)
Training -2022 USEF Training level Test A -3'3"
Novice -2022 USEF Novice level Test A -2'11"
Beginner Novice-2022 USEF Beginner Novoice Test A -2'7"
Starter- -2022 USEF Starter Test -2'4"
2' Level -2022 USEF Starter Test -2'
Pre-Starter- -2022 USEF Intro Test B (Walk/Trot) 18"
Tadpole- -2022 USEF Intro Test A(Walk/Trot) Ground Poles
Amoeba- Greenie Weenie walk only test (Located Ground Poles
Dressage test offered both days(SRPC Member $20/Non-member $25)
2023 USEF First Level Tests
2023 USEF Training Level Tests
2023 USEF Introductory Tests
Test of Choice
Western Dressage
Musical Freestyle
If you are having problems with this form- Please contact Jesse Kirchhoff through text (615)504-4113
**In order to get your packet/Number. You must be fully paid. Checks can be brought to show office made out to "Stones River Pony Club"
**We will have a consignment sale and pastry/hot chocolate bar.
Please bring consigment materials labeled with prices and name
Please bring individually wrapped baked goods for the bake sale.