On Campus Request Form
Please complete this form if you are interested in speaking or engaging with our students. Please note that completing the form does not automatically mean that it is approved. We will send an email when the request was approved. We will confirm within 48 hours and approve the request in 72 hours.
Name of Company
Please provide us with a short description about your organization. This will assist us in promoting your organization to our students.
Does your organization have a HANDSHAKE account?
Please Select
Please provide us with the organization webpage.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Email Address
Is the contact an alumnus of Community College of Philadelphia?
Please Select
Please provide us a list of the open roles you are currently recruiting for. You can paste a link that directs us to your ATC if there are more than 5 job titles.
Please indicate the type of roles you are hiring for.
All of the above
Please select how you would like to engage our students.(More than one is acceptable.)
Table - we will set you up with a table inside of Bonnell Hall
Virtual Info Session - HOT JOB ALERTS Using ZOOM we host an employer spotlight. (30-45 minutes)
TABLING ONLY Please select the date and start time that works for you. (For tables we start either at 9:00 AM or 10:00AM)
If you selected IN-PERSON INFO SESSION or VIRTUAL INFO SESSION or CAREER DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATION, please provide us with two preferred dates. (In order to best market the event, please make sure we have at least 2-weeks.)
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
2nd Choice
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
This section provides you with an opportunity to receive more information about the other ways we can help you engage and brand your organization to our students.
Employer-Led Career Readiness Workshop - Help us help our students by leading a career workshop on numerous topics that cover everything from resume writing to interviewing skills.
Field Trip to Organization - Students will visit the organization and experience what it will feel like working there.
Career Connections Volunteer Council - Volunteer to review resumes, conduct mock interviews and participate in panels through the academic year.
Career Fair - An opportunity to recruit from the entire campus. April 8, 2025
Is your organization interested in participating in our Experiential Learning Employer Partnership Program?
Need More Information
If your organization is interested in developing an Experiential Learning Employer Partnerships Program, which experiential learning opportunity would you like to provide to CCP students. (check all that apply)
Micro-Internship: Can be offered remotely and/or for short-term projects. To create an accessible online programs that provides students with a valuable intercultural experience and practical career skills, while building sustainable relationships with global partners.
Job Shadowing: Job Shadowing allows a student to gain real-world exposure into a specific job to gain an understanding of a particular job/profession and learn and observe the day-to-day job duties
Internships-Paid & Academic: In order to comply with federal laws and support the financial professional needs of our student, the Career Connections Dept. supports two types of internships paid & academic
Externships: The externship can provide a short and practical experiential learning environment that offers real-world insight to theoretical topics being learned in the classroom.
Career Connections is planning on launching a program that would give employers the opportunity to brand their organization and their open roles to our students via a specific web page that students would have 24/7access to. A small cost would be associated with it. Would you be interested inlearning more about this program if it becomes available?
Please Select
Need more information
Are you also interested in recruiting out of our twocenters? Please select below.
Northeast Regional Center (NERC)
Career and Advanced Technology Center (CATC)
Should be Empty: