Posh Hopper's Adoption Application
Please fill out this adoption application is as full detail as you can:
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Home Details
Understanding Where Bunny Is Going.
Do you rent or own your home?
Please Select
If renting, please provide your Landlord's Contact Information:
First Name
Last Name
Landlord's Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Landlord's Email
How long have you lived at your current address?
Is everyone in your household (including roommates) aware of and in agreeance with adopting a rabbit?
We haven't talked about it yet.
Pets At Home
Track Record Check.
Have you owned a rabbit before? If yes, please describe your experience:
Do you currently have any pets? If yes, please list the types and how long you have owned them:
What happened to the pets you no longer have?
Type N/A if not applicable.
Rabbit Care
Making Sure Bunny Is Cared For.
Where will your rabbit be housed? Describe the type of housing that will be used:
Rabbits require an Exotic Vet. Are you aware that vet care for a rabbit can become expensive and more difficult to find?
I haven't considered that yet.
Rabbits can live 10+ years, like cats and dogs. Are you prepared to making this long-term commitment?
Are you giving the rabbit to someone as a gift?
If your bunny is for a child, are you, the parent, prepared to take over the care of the rabbit if/when your child loses interest?
Have you considered what will be done with the rabbit in situations such as a new pet, a new baby, moving, allergies, etc.? What is your back-up plan?
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals or hay?
What will you do if your rabbit develops behavioural issues or health problems?
Additional Information
Why do you want to adopt one of our rabbits?
Is there any specific rabbit you are interested in? If yes, which one?
Please provide any additional information you think is important for us to know:
By signing below, you certify that all information provided in this application is true and accurate. You understand that completing this application does not guarantee the adoption of a rabbit. You agree to allow this as an interview as part of the adoption process.
Should be Empty: