Word of Life Spain Summer Camp 2025
Please complete the following form to provisionally register for Spain Camp 2025. Word of Life staff will be in contact to confirm your place and details nearer the time.
Which camp would you/the camper like to attend?
Please Select
7-12 July 2025 (13-19 year olds)
14-19 July 2025 (13-19 year olds)
21-26 July 2025 (age tbc)
I can be flexible over which camp!
1 Camper's name
2 Camper's Contact Number
3 Parent/Guardian Name
4 Parent/Guardian's Contact Number
5 Alternative Emergency Contact Name and Number
6 Camper's Passport Number
7 We require a copy of the camper's passport. Please indicate if you have already provided this:
Not yet, but I will provide ASAP
8 Camper's Date of birth
10 Camper's Full Address
11 Camper's Church (where applicable)
12 Please specify any medical issues we need to be aware of: injuries, asthma etc
13 Does the camper have any dietary requirements? If so, please specify
14 Does the camper have any allergies?
15 Is the camper currently taking any medication. Please specify
16 Travel insurance is mandatory for all campers. Please confirm you are arranging this.
17. Please confirm your permission for any medical attention or, in case of extreme urgency, any intervention surgery and local or general anesthesia that is needed for your child during the camp.
18. Please give permission to the staff responsible for the camp to give your child any medications that are deemed reasonable, except those listed below, to which you are allergic or unable to take:
(state 'yes' or any exceptions)
19 Please give permission to those responsible to take the necessary measures in order to ensure the safety of your child and for the effective running of the camp
20. Please confirm your consent for us to take photos/video of the camp activities and share these on relevant marketing platforms including social media.
21 Please provide any other important information we should know
22 Please sign and date below
(typed name and date)
Should be Empty: