Our Youth Ministry will host A Journey to the Potter's House for our parish family on December 14th, 6:45pm, St. Matthew's church.
Refreshments will be served by our Youth Ministry before and after the presentation. Please sign up below so that we may plan accordingly.
The message of the potter is a message of hope, love and redemption. As you watch the potter working with the clay you will feel your faith inspired and your hope renewed. Nowhere is there a more vivid example of the relationship between God and His people than is seen in the relationship between the potter and their clay.
A Journey to the Potter's House will bring you face to face with God in a way that will forever change the way you understand His working in your life. You will see what Jeremiah saw as he watched the potter take the clay through various stages, fashioning it into a usefule vessel and like Jeremiah you will grow in your understanding of how God can use all of the circumstances of your life, even the most painful ones, to fashion your life into a vessel of beauty, worth, and purpose.
"a vessel of honor, fit for the masters use."
2 Timothy 2:21