* All students registered in class are expected to attend.
* Students must sign-in/out of class daily using the attendance kiosk.
* FOCUS will be the final authority in determining the attendance and absences for each student.
* It is the responsibility of the student to know the attendance policy.
* It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of all absences and keep up with them.
*Students will be dropped after 6 consecutive days absent from class.
* Students, who are dropped during the semester (Aug or Jan), cannot re-enroll until the beginning of the next semester.
* Students who do not attend the 1st three days will be considered a NO SHOW and be withdrawn.
* In the event of the need for extended leave, students must withdraw from Haney. There is no Leave of Absence for ABE/GED/ESOL students.
My signature below signifies that I have read and understand all aspects of this agreement.