I authorize the dentists of Perry Dental and/or such associates or assistants as she/he may designate to perform those procedures as may be deemed necessary or advisable to maintain my dental health or the dental health of any minor or other
individual for which I have responsibility.
I understand that the administration of local anesthetic may cause an outward reaction or side effects, which may include, but are not limited to bruising, hematoma, cardiac stimulation, temporary or rarely permanent numbness, and muscle soreness.
I understand that there are risks associated with ALL dental treatments including, but not limited to: permanent numbness, pain, swelling, and unsuccessful treatment, etc. I understand that as a result of dental treatment including preventative procedures such as cleanings and basic dentistry, as well as fillings of all types, the teeth, gums, and surrounding areas may remain sensitive or even possibly quite painful both during and after completion of treatment.
CONSENT FOR TREATMENT I hereby grant authority to the dentist(s) in charge of the patient whose name appears on the Health History Form to administer any treatment or to administer such anesthetics, analgesics, sedatives, and nitrous oxide sedation, and to perform such operations as may be deemed necessary or advisable in the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. I have read the above terms and conditions and consent for treatment and fully agree to their content.
I do voluntarily assume any and all possible risks, including the risk of substantial and serious harm, if any, which may be associated with general preventative and operative treatment procedures in hopes of obtaining the potential desired results, which may or may not be achieved, for my benefit or the benefit of my minor child or ward. I acknowledge that the nature and purpose of the foregoing procedures have been explained to me if necessary and I have been given the opportunity to ask questions.