Parent Commitment Form
How can CISV operate these complex programs as an all-volunteer organization?
Who does the work?
Volunteers like you and me! Thousands of dedicated people devote many hours to CISV programs around the world because they have experienced the special, rewarding feeling that comes from making new friends around the world and learning about other cultures and ways of life. These volunteers want others to experience the same feeling, and they want to give something back to the organization that means so much to them and to their children. When your family becomes involved in CISV, parents will have the responsibility to serve as a volunteer in some capacity. There are dozens of jobs that must be done… some big, some small, but all are very important to our success. We must have families who are willing to do their share so all the work is not done by just a few. We hope you too, will be a part of CISV and see why so many care so much!
In order for a child to be considered for selection as a delegate for a CISV program, their family commits to the following minimum volunteer activities on behalf of the Austin/San Antonio Chapter for the year in which their child is attending a program:
1. Officially join the CISV Austin San Antonio Chapter using the website CISV Central
2. Attend all meetings of your child’s delegation that include parents;
3. Do your family’s fair share of the work for your child’s delegation;
4. Complete and submit all required insurance and health forms by the due date;
5. Support your child’s adult leader
6. Attend the Spring and Fall General Membership meetings;
7. Attend and support the Fundraisers
8. Host a delegate for our current year hosting program(s) for a period of 2-3 days*.
9. Volunteer to help with the current year hosting program(s);
10. Help recruit delegates and leaders/staff members for future CISV programs;
11. Become an active member of at least one CISV ATXSA working committee.
* It is a special honor to host a delegation in your home. We have many long-time members of CISV ATXSA who host delegations. There is a possibility that your family will not be assigned a delegation to host, but you should be prepared to host if asked.
I commit to the above minimum requirements.
Please sign and date below.