a safe and sober event that will be a great night together with seniors from throughout Sonoma Valley!
Please read and complete all sections of this form to be REGISTERED for the event!
Questions? Contact or Silje Bottari & Cyntia Boter
Sonoma Valley Grad Night 2025 (Liability Waiver)
Contract Guidelines:
1. The event is Friday, May 30, 2025, open to all seniors living in Sonoma Valley who attend SVHS, CREEKSIDE, NPS through SVUSD and or those who attend an online school that does not have a grad night event (PIVOT, CAVA).
2. Tickets this year cost $80. Entrance includes ALL food, games, entertainment, prizes, carnival games, casino and much, much more! If a partial or full scholarship to attend, email and send a request.
3. The party begins at 9:00 pm. Check in is between 9:00pm and 11:00pm. Come early and enjoy all there is to do! The party ends at 5:00am. Raffle held just before end of event.
4. Students that have not checked in by 11:00pm will not be allowed entrance.
5. Bring everything you need for the night. No re-entries allowed. Bring a sweatshirt or jacket, pillow, empty water bottle, change of clothes or shoes. No going back and forth to vehicles or into parking lot. No liquids, open or un-open, allowed inside event. You will be given a bag to place items to be held for you but all bottles will be emptied or placed in garbage can if brought to event with you.
6. If a senior chooses to leave the party early:
a. Parents or guardians will be contacted prior to allowing students under the age of 18.
b. Seniors leaving the party before it ends will not be re-admitted.
c. Seniors leaving the party before it ends are not eligible to win any prizes.
7. Some activities are outside. Dress comfortably and appropriately for the evening, bring a coat or sweatshirt.
8. The possession and/or use of drugs or alcohol by any senior, party staffer or entertainer are not permitted. We will have security on site helping to keep all safe from start of event to finish.
9. Seniors arriving at the party under the influence and/or possession of alcohol and/or drugs will be supervised until parents or guardians are contacted as well as Sonoma Police Department and the senior is picked up. (see below)
10. Participation is voluntary; the committee is not responsible for injury, or lost or stolen items. Seniors may check belongings into a secure, supervised area.
Drug/Alcohol Procedures
Under no circumstances will any senior who is under the influence and/or is in possession of drugs and/or alcohol be admitted to the party. Sonoma Valley Grad Night will follow the following procedures in the event that a senior is under the influence and/or in possession of drugs and/or alcohol:
1. The parent or guardian of the senior and the Sonoma Police Department will be contacted.
2. The senior will be held in an area separate from the party.
3. Under no circumstances will any senior who has used or is in possession of drugs and/or alcohol be allowed to leave the party except in the custody of the parent, guardian, or the police.
4. If the senior is in possession of drugs or alcohol, the Sonoma Police Department may be called.
PLEASE NOTE: There are no tickets mailed to attendees. Your signed contract will get your name on the "REGISTERED" list and allow you entrance at the door on the night of Sonoma Valley Grad Night 2025.
*** I am aware of the possible risks connected with attending this event on the dates listed. I agree to not hold accountable or bring legal action against the Sonoma Grad Night Non profit, SVUSD or any of their officers, agents, or employees. This waiver releases the above mentioned parties from all liability to injuries that may occur on location before, during or after event activities.
In signing this agreement I agree to hold the parties listed above free from any liability including financial responsibilities for injuries incurred, regardless of the reasons or circumstances.
I certify that my participation is voluntary and that I will abide by all rules and regulations listed above.
Please complete all sections on Page 3 and submit your payment Via Square, Cash or Check to
Project Graduation DBA Celebration SVHS