Numbers can be found near the bottom of each pole to help you verify the pole of your choice. Please select the pole you wish to decorate. Poles are first come first serve with priority given to Main Street Wauchula members. Proximity to place of business is also be considered.
I understand that Main Street Wauchula, Inc. may use photographs of actual Adopt-A-Pole entries and names of entries for publicity and promotion. My pole decorations must remain in place through January 1st and be removed no later than January 5th. Main Street Wauchula, Inc. is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items associated with the decorated pole. I am responsible for “fixing” any issues that may arise associated with my decoration for the duration they are in place. I understand that my pole will not contain any lude or inappropriate material which is up to the discretion of Main Street Wauchula. If it does, I may be asked to fix it or remove it or it will be removed for me. I will keep in the fun spirit of Christmas!