Hanging Sign and Airborne Objects Form
All hanging signs and airbone objects must first receive show management approval before they can be rigged.
Once the hanging sign /airbone object is approved by Show Management, details will be shared with Freeman, Encore or Edlen, depending on type of sign and weight.
Who rigs the sign will be determined by weight, whether the sign is lit, motorized or air supplied. Furhter information may be required by these vendors and they will be in contact to confirm the rigging and labor order.
Hanging signs and graphics will be permitted above Island booths that are 400 sq. ft. or larger.
End-cap and linear booths DO NOT qualify for hanging signs and graphics, regardless of size.
HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS: Hanging signs are permitted to a maximum height of twenty-five feet (25’) from the floor to the top of the hanging sign. The maximum combined vertical height between any ground supported structure and hanging sign, at their highest dimensions when viewed perpendicular to the floor from any point on any side, may not exceed a maximum of twenty feet (20’).
STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY: All hanging signs must have drawings available for inspection by Show Management at all times. Drawings must include a signature or stamp of a structural engineer indicating reviewing that stress points for hanging the sign have been properly engineered.
Click here
to see example of drawing.The signature of an authorized official of the exhibit building company is also required, indicating that the structure is built in compliance with the details and the specifications set forth on the drawings.
Exhibitors are encouraged to use lightweight materials in the construction of a hanging sign to eliminate excessive stress to the facility ceiling structure.
Exhibiting Company Name
Booth Number
Booth size (NSF)
Exhibiting Company Contact
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone Number (for show site)
Please enter a valid phone number.
EAC Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone Number (for showsite)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Upload any design drawings of the sign, booth, layout or pertinent info
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Weight (in lbs)
Lit, Motorized or Air supported?
Other (Please Specify in comments)
None of these
Comments / Additional Information
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