We are excited to host the Kids for Christ School Based after School Club at our school! It
carries its vision of sharing Christ's joy with the family and to the world! As a Catholic lay community, the materials used in the activities, teachings and gatherings are all Catechetical-based and liturgically aligned to the Catholic calendar. Your child/ren is/are invited to participate in fun and faith-filled family activities led by trained Youth volunteers (ROCK Team) and missionaries!
The KFC Assembly takes place every month. The assemblies are generally on a Friday in the school gym (Parish Centre) from 3:00pm to 4:00pm. However, for the month of November, the KFC assembly is on Friday, November 15th from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in the Music room portable You are welcome to send your child(ren) with an extra nut-free snack that they can enjoy during the assembly.
The permission slip below will allow your child to attend the KFC assemblies for the remainder of this school year. The students do not have to attend every assembly, only when it is feasible and this will save paper, as you only need one form for your child to attend the next few assemblies. Parents will be informed of the dates and location for the KFC assemblies.
I give my child permission to attend the Kids for Christ Assemblies each month from November 2024 to June 2025 . I understand that my child will actively participate in all the activities and will follow all instructions given by the facilitators for the duration of the assembly and ensure their appropriate behavior.