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Tri Hita Karana Universal Reflection is a global unmovement inviting people around the world to pause, reflect, and connect meaningfully with themselves, and with others in spirit and in nature.
Together, let’s unite in diversity for People, Planet, Partnership for Peace and Prosperity (5Ps) in this time with urgent need for healing and new beginning aligned with the UN SDGs.
Tri Hita Karana is Balinese philosophy for Three Ways to Happiness through harmonies of people with People, people with nature and people with the spiritual. Serendipitously, these philosophies are aligned into a SDG Happiness Pyramid but also align other ancient cultures and religions such as Hindu, Islam, Chinese, Greek, and Pope Francis’ Laudato Si.
Dec 14, 2024 we invite Pope Francis, Grand Imam of Istiqlal Nasaruddin, government leaders and ministers from G20 countries, Archipelagic Island States, global institutions, celebrities, businesses, artists academia, indigenous or grassroots communities and youths and many more to light 17 SDG candles, and unite in diversity to open minds, hearts and wills.
Do join !