Here's how it works:
1) Fill out the information below to let us know the size of family you would like to adopt.
2) You will receive a wish list with the families' names, ages, and sizes. *
3) You and/or your group shops and collects items from the wish list.**
4) Donations should be delivered to the YMCA by Monday, December 9.
Our clients have identified 3 wants and 3 needs per family member as well as additional household items. You are not limited to the items on the family’s wish list, however we hope you purchase items for the family the same way you would for your own. If you would like to donate or purchase something else, please do so! We prefer all items be new or gently used (we love used bikes!). You may consider purchasing gift cards, so the family can enjoy an outing or buy the items themselves.
Questions? Please contact the Adopt-A-Family Committee at
*Turnaround time to receive family wish lists is about 1 week from date you apply.
**Individual families are welcome to adopt a family, but many of the most successful adoptions are arranged by groups (work groups, church groups, rotary clubs, student groups, sports teams, boy and girl scout groups, etc.)