Employee Giving Sign Up
Please complete the form below to sign up for Employee Giving
Employee Name
First Name
Last Name
Employee Department
Employee ID
ID # is on the inside of your badge
BCH Email
I would like to:
Please Select
Donate with a bi-weekly payroll donation
Donate with a one-time payroll deduction
Donate PTO
Donate by cash or check
Recurring donation amount
Please Select
One-time Amount
Number of PTO Hours
I would like to donate to the following BCH Foundation Fund
Please Select
Employee Emergency Assistance Fund: Providing Support to BCH employees experiencing unforseen financial hardship
Greatest Need Fund: Supports the day-to-day funding needs of BCH
Other Fund
I understand by submitting this form I am authorizing Payroll and the BCH Foundation to process my request and donate the amount selected above to the selected BCH Foundation fund.
I have already received my BCH Foundation Lanyard
Please Select
No, please interoffice mail it to me
Should be Empty: