Texas Muslim Youth Capitol Day Registration
Welcome to the Texas Muslim Capitol Day Registration Form! Thank you for your interest in joining us for Texas Muslim Capitol Day. Please answer the following questions and pay the suggested $50 via the link at the bottom of the form to complete your registration. If you have any questions about this form or the event, please contact your respective CAIR Texas Chapter. For CAIR-Houston, call 713-838-2247 or email info@houston.cair.com. For CAIR-Austin, call 512-785-7105 or email info@cairtx.org. For CAIR-Dallas, call 469-200-0273 or email info@cairdfw.org. Business hours for all chapters are 9 AM to 6:30 PM. For CAIR-San Antonio, email shusain@cair.com. We look forward to seeing you at Texas Muslim Capitol Day!