Business Information
First Name
Last Name
Business Entity
Specifics of the business
What or who is your primary demographic?
Are there separate "lines of business" that generate revenue?
What was your Gross Revenue for the last 3 years?
What was your Net Revenue for the last 3 years?
Do you have the ability to break down each "line of business" (with regards to revenue?
If there are multiple lines of business generating revenue, what is the highest generating?
Do you offer a qualified retirement account for your employees? Do you participate?
Are you offering and is the business funding any executive compensation plans?
Do you have a Business Plan?
When did you last review your Business Plan?
Have you had a Business Evaluation completed?
When did you have your Business Evaluation completed?
Please upload Business Evaluation plan below
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When thinking about your industry, how is your competition doing compared to you?
Have you told your accountant you want to exit your business?
What is your accountants response to your exit plans?
Do you own or lease the real estate you are operating from?
Please list your business real estate entity below
Does your business real estate generate income?
Please Select
How much income does your business real estate income annually?
Based upon existing your business, what have your thoughts been on how to accomplish it?
Time horizon to exit your business
Other things we should know about your business
Should be Empty: