Registration due no later than Monday, April 14, 2025.
Your space is assigned to you and may not be traded with another vendor unless approved by the show manager.
You will be provided an 8’ table for each indoor rented space. You are able to bring additional tables to use if needed.
Electricity is available for an additional fee. You must bring your own extension cords and power strips.
Each vendor must provide their own signage with the company name and/or logo.
Do not have audio or video components that may be disruptive to other vendors. Show organizers have the final determination of acceptable sound levels.
No literature may be displayed or distributed that advertises merchants not registered for the show. Show organizers reserve the right to remove any objectionable display, merchandise, or samples or to alter the floor plan for the overall good and welfare of the event.
Set-up is from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM at the Eagles Club, 600 1st Corso. The show manager will help you locate your assigned booth. All booths must be set up by 9:00 AM. Tear-down begins at 5:00 PM the same day; all items must be removed from the building immediately following the show. Do not begin tear-down before the event ends. There will be a $50 fine for early move-out.
LIABILITY: The Arbor Day Home, Craft, & Garden Market, Nebraska City Tourism & Commerce, and the Eagles Club are not responsible for vendor property while on-site. Vendor accepts liability for all representatives and agents for any damage of vendor property or unauthorized removal of Eagles Club property.
We strongly encourage you to raffle a prize at your table so you can collect names and contact information for your business!