Any individual who has:
1. Graduated from an ABA approved program of study for paralegals;
2. Graduated from an institutionally accredited paralegal program that is not ABA approved but that requires not less than the equivalent of sixty (60) semester hours of classroom study;
3. Graduated from a course of study other than those set forth in 1 or 2 above, including with a baccalaureate degree in any field, plus at least six (6) months of in-house training as a paralegal, whose attorney-employer attests that the individual is qualified and working as a paralegal;
4. Completed a paralegal certification program from an institutionally accredited college or university;
5. Completed at least two (2) years of in-house training as a paralegal, whose attorney-employer attests that the individual is qualified and working as a paralegal, including those who completed at least two (2) years as an Associate member; or
6. Successfully completed the NALA Certified Paralegal (CP) exam or the NFPA PACE (RP®) exam.