2025 Football Registration Form
Prices and Payment Information
Kindly make your sign-up fee payment through Zelle to ensure a smooth and efficient transaction. Please send the payment to Desoto Chiefs at the Zelle number 469-670-6996. New Football Players is $150. All Returning football Player is $90.
Player Name
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Age as of July 31
Player Team Group
Please Select
Flag 6U
8U Football
10U Football
12U Football
Home Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Don't want to identify
Please E-mail your Birth
Browse Files
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Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Parent E-mail
Returning Player
Parent or Guardian Authorization
Equipment will be issued at the beginning of the season when full registration payment is received. Players will not be allowed to participate in Kids Football League program if payment is not paid in full. Fees include of game uniform, football or cheerleading equipment. I agree to pay the cost of any lost equipment issued to my child or me to Kids Football League. Cheerleading/Football is an athletic activity which involves contact between participants. While every precaution is taken to avoid injury, the risk of injury is always present. Additionally, every effort is made to ensure all coaches within our league are well trained and are permitted to work with children. The above-named athlete has my permission to cheer and to participate in all practice sessions ad games for the 2024 season. By signing this form, I waive any and all cause of action which may arise in connection with or incidental to the athlete’s participation in this sport. I further waive any and all claims against the Desoto Chiefs Youth Sports and its officers for any unforeseeable event or injury that may occur and recognize that if any of the above listed information is false, the athlete will immediately be disqualified from participating in the Desoto Chiefs Youth Sports Program. RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS. Releasor, being of lawful age (or, in the case of a minor, through his/her parent or guardian), in consideration of being permitted to participate in any Desoto Chiefs 7on7 program, Tackle Football Program, Flag Football Program or Cheer Program, including , but not limited to, cheer performances, football games, practices, workouts, camps and clinics, competitions, travel to/from competitions, jamborees, scrimmages, post-season competitions and tournaments (collectively and individually, the “Event”), hereby releases and discharges Releases from all present and future liabilities, debts, obligations, costs, expenses, damages, losses, charges, judgments, executions, liens, claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or description, in equity or at law, whether caused in whole or in part by the Releasees or any other person or thing during the Event while Releasor is present, which the Releasor or his/her child or ward (each a “child”), family, estate, heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, successors or assigns (collectively, "Related Parties") may have, whether known or unknown, suspected, asserted or not asserted, arising out of participation by the Releasor or his/her child in the Event, and agrees that Releasees are not responsible for any of the foregoing arising out of the Event, EVEN IF CAUSED BY RELEASEES’ OWN ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. The Releasor understands, acknowledges and accepts that this Release and Waiver is intended to be binding on the Releasor and anyone related to Releasor. RELEASOR EXPRESSLY INTENDS TO RELEASE FUTURE LIABILITY OF AND ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST RELEASEES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO LIABILITY OR CLAIMS FOR NEGLIGENCE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW BY ONE OR MORE OF THE RELEASEES AND FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES INCLUDING EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. RISKS ACCEPTED; MEDICAL TREATMENT. The Releasor further understands, acknowledges and accepts that participation in the Event involves certain inherent risks, including, but not limited to, property damage, economic loss, possible exposure to communicable infectious diseases, including but not limited to the NOVEL CORONAVIRUS (SARS-COV-2) THAT CAUSES CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) and other viral respiratory illnesses, all of which could result in SERIOUS ILLNESS (INCLUDING DEATH) OR SERIOUS BODILY INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH), and agrees that the Releasor or his/her child is voluntarily participating in the Event with full knowledge of the risks involved and accepts all risks of participation to the participant, as well as all risks to the Releasor or other family members of Releasor who are present at the Event. The Releasor declares that the Releasor or his/her participating child is physically fit and has the requisite skill level to participate in the Event. The Releasor authorizes but does not otherwise impose the obligation on, Desoto Chiefs Football Association. to provide medical treatment to the Releasor or his/her child, at the Releasor's cost, should the need arise. The Releasor understands, acknowledges and accepts that he or she must provide his/her own medical insurance for the participant and that all medical bills for care of Releasor or his or her minor are ultimately of Releasor. GRANT OF PUBLICITY RIGHTS. The Releasor further grants the Releasees the right, but does not otherwise impose the obligation, to photograph, videotape and/or otherwise use the Releasor and/or his or her participating child’s name, face, likeness, voice and appearance in connection with exhibitions, publicity, advertising, website and promotional materials, free of charge without reservation or limitation.
Parent Full Name
First Name
Last Name
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