House League Code of Conduct
1. Respect and Sportsmanship
- All athletes are expected to demonstrate respect towards teammates, coaches, referees, and opponents at all times.
- Good sportsmanship is mandatory, including graciously accepting all calls by referees and the outcomes of games.
- Disrespectful language, gestures, or actions will not be tolerated.
2. Anti-Bullying Policy
- B-Ballerz/UJAM maintains a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. This includes physical, verbal, or emotional harassment.
*First Offense: The athlete will be suspended for one game and required to have a meeting with a coach and a parent/guardian before returning.
*Second Offense: The athlete will be suspended for two games and required to complete a reflection assignment on the impact of bullying.
*Third Offense: The athlete’s registration will be canceled, and they will be removed from the league without a refund.
3. No Fighting Policy
- Physical altercations of any kind will not be tolerated.
- First Offense: Immediate suspension from the league for two games. A meeting with coaches and parents/guardians will be required before rejoining.
- Second Offense: Suspension from the league for four games and mandatory participation in a conflict resolution workshop.
- Third Offense: Permanent removal from the league with cancellation of registration and no refund.
4. Attendance and Punctuality
- Athletes are expected to attend all scheduled practices and games. If an athlete cannot attend, the coach must be notified in advance.
- Chronic tardiness or absenteeism may result in reduced playing time or additional consequences.
5. Proper Attire
- Athletes must wear appropriate shoes and clothing for all practices and games.
- Jerseys provided by the league must be worn during games.
- All athletes must bring a refillable water bottle to practices and games.
6. Drug and Alcohol Policy
- The use or possession of drugs, alcohol, or any illegal substances by athletes is strictly prohibited.
- Any athlete found in violation will face immediate suspension, and the severity of the offense may lead to permanent removal from the league.
7. Conflict Resolution
- All disputes or conflicts should be reported to the coaching staff or league administrators immediately.
- Athletes and parents/guardians are encouraged to resolve conflicts in a respectful and constructive manner.
8. Commitment to the Program
- Athletes must show commitment to their team by participating fully in practices and games.
- Lack of effort, negative attitude, or failure to follow instructions may result in reduced playing time or further disciplinary action.
9. Communication
- Open communication with coaches and league administrators is encouraged. Concerns or issues should be raised promptly to allow for timely resolution.
Consequences for Violations
- The league reserves the right to enforce the above policies and take appropriate action when necessary, up to and including suspension or permanent removal from the league without refund.