In appying for this scholarship, I understand that Franklin Hospital may need to verify the information that I have submitted. I grant permission to the college listed to release my academic transcript, class schedule, fee statement, and financial aid information to Franklin Hospital. I grant Franklin Hospital permission to seek verification of this information and understand that any deliberate falsification of this information will result in my disqualification from the field of eligible candidates. I release to Franklin Hospital the right to use my name and picture for publications, reports, and press releases. Franklin Hospital will pay up to $4,000 per semester for four (4) semesters for respiratory therapy students to attend a local college's respiratory therapy program. Student must be in good standing (with a C or better) to receive each semester scholarship. Passing the respiratory boards exam and obtaining Illinois State Licensure as a Respiratory Therapist is required after the completion of the associate degree respiratory therapy program. Respitory therapist must complete a two year work committment at Franklin Hospital as a respiratory therapist.