Thank you for volunteering to judge the 2025 High School Mock Trial competitions.
Below you will find information about judging and the roles offered. We thank you for your time and dedication to Indiana's mock trial students.
Please provide all of the information requested on this form. Once this form has been submitted, you will recieve an auto-generated confirmation showing you have signed up for the appropriate round(s). A detailed confirmation/logisitcs email will be sent closer to the competition date. Please note this is an official sign-up form and not a form to indicate your availability. After submitting your volunteer registration form, you will be officially signed up for the events you select.
Judging Roles:
Presiding Judge - In each courtroom there will be one presiding judge who is responsible for maintaining order, moving the trial along in the designated time allotment, ruling on evidentiary motions, and overseeing all procedures during the trial. The presiding judge will also score the individual performances of each team. Presiding judges must have a law degree.
Scoring Judge - In each courtroom there will be at least two scoring judges who will evaluate the students' performances and who will be responsible for completing a score sheet based upon individual performances of each team. Students are scored on their presentation skills, not on the merits of the case. Non-attorneys may serve as scoring judges.