Isabella Cat Clinic, PC
Catherine Lindstrand, DVM
1635 E. Broomfield St., Suite G
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
Feline Leukemia/FIV Combo Test: $73.50
We strongly recommend feline leukemia/fiv testing for all patients. These are autoimmune disorders that they can get from other infected cats or from their mother when developing. Cats with feline leukemia tend to be very sick more often and have shortened lifespans. Cats with FIV can live long and healthy lives; they just require more supportive care when they become ill.
Comprehensive Fecal Analysis & Parasite Screening: $84.00
We also recommend checking a fecal sample on all patients annually as parasites can contribute to a number of illnesses. If checking a stool sample please bring the sample to your appointment. It doesn't matter what you bring it in or if it has litter on it. Simply collect the sample the night before or day of your appointment.
Bartonella Test: $129.50
Bartonella testing is recommended for every patient over the age of 8 months, but it is highly recommended if anyone in the household is immunocompromised. Bartonella is a bacteria that cats can get from fleas and then give to humans through scratches. Approximately 33% of all cats in the US test positive and have to undergo treatment.
Heartworm Test: $73.50
Cats can get heartworm disease just like dogs, however, heartworm disease is not curable or treatable in cats. There is a blood test that can determine if your cat has been exposed. Monthly flea and heartworm prevention is also strongly encouraged.
Revolution Plus or NexGard Combo: $32.50
We strongly encourage all patients, regardless of their lifestyle, be kept on monthly flea and heartworm preventative. Revolution Plus prevents fleas, heartworm, roundworm, hookworm, ear mites and ticks. NexGard Combo prevents fleas, heartworm, roundworm, hookworm, ticks and tapeworm.
Vaccine Fibrosarcomas
Vaccinations are incredibly important in order to help prevent communicable diseases in our pets. Here at ICC, we use PureVax vaccinations, which were made specifically for cats. PureVax vaccines are all adjuvant-free, and adjuvant is a chemical that has been linked to vaccine related tumors in cats. These tumors happen most often associated with rabies vaccines, but can be caused from other vaccinations as well. About 1-10,000 patients are at risk for developing a vaccine fibrosarcoma. Although they are an incredibly rare occurance, we feel it is important for our clients to know that we do everything that we can to prevent these sarcomas from happening, which includes (but is not limited to) giving each vaccination in a specific location in order to help us understand what happened. This also allows us to potentially treat the sarcoma based off of it's location.
Please choose from the following options regarding your options for recommended tests/services at your pet's first visit: