Extract from Rule 4 Registration of Players
“C. Proof of Date of Birth
All persons registering with this Association for the first time must provide proof of age by the presentation of an original Birth Certificate, Passport or Australian Driver Licence (including digital Licences) unaltered since issue or renewal, copies of these documents are not acceptable.
The Birth Certificate, Passport or Drivers Licence (including digital Licences) unaltered since issue or renewal must be sighted by a member of the Association’s E. C. or by the player’s Club President, vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Registrar
D. Residential Qualifications
Players in every age division from Under 6 to Over 45, Men and Women, who have not previously registered to play with the Association, must provide proof that they are currently residents of Sutherland Shire before their registration is accepted.
Players eligible to play in Junior Divisions who attend at a Primary or Secondary School in the Shire will be accepted for registration. Written proof of attendance at the school will be required.”