《得著基督裡的喜樂:無論何環境都能喜樂的秘訣 》
Midlands Easter Conference 2025
MEC is a great platform for Christian fellowships across the UK to support each other through bible studies, workshops, worship sessions, praying and sharing testimonies together.
It has been an unique opportunity for Cantonese-speaking students and young adults Christians to advance their faith, to encourage and love one another and commit themselves to serve our Lord. It is also a good opportunity to bring non-Christians to know the Christian faith and life within this camp.
MEC 是中英倫復活節退修營會,歷年來由英國中部的華人教會及青年團契策劃。MEC 給講廣東話的學生及初職就業中的基督徒一個獨有的機會建立對主的信心、彼此支持、彼此配搭事奉上帝。你還可以帶未信主的朋友一同參加此營會認識耶穌基督。
It is open to young adults and students aged 16 to 35, primarily but not exclusively to the UK Midlands. Youth aged 16 - 17 need to be accompanied by parents or guardians.
Applications from adults above 35 are subject to MEC2025 committee's approval.
∣ Date ∣
11th to 14th April 2025
∣ Venue ∣
COCM Mission Centre(2 Padstow Avenue,Fishermead, Milton Keynes MK6 2ES)
∣ Language ∣
∣ Speaker ∣
Dr. Kiven Choy 蔡少琪牧師 (建道神學院 院長)
∣ Deadline ∣
16 Mar 2025
∣ Application Fee ∣
(Full Camp, including all meals and accommodation)
■ £100 (Early bird price before 28 Feb 2025)
■ £130
(Part-Time, including meals ) **only apply on 12 APR OR 13 APR **
■ £45.00/ Day
(Part-Time, including meals and accommodation)**only apply on 11-12 OR 12-13 APR**
■ £90.00/ Night
If you got any problems or questions about MEC 2025,
please feel free to contact 07886-727498/lawrencesin@cocm.org.uk(Rev. Lawrence Sin).