RTP provides complementary para transit transportation to eligible people living in, or visiting, the Greater Portland area.
Through our Complementary Para Transit services, RTP provides an equivalent accessible transportation option to people who are unable to use the fixed-route bus services of METRO or South Portland Bus Service because of disability. RTP provides rides, from origin to destination, within ¾ of a mile of the fixed bus routes running in Portland, South Portland, Falmouth, Gorham, and Westbrook.
Transportation services are accessed by completing this application and being certified through RTP, or if you are visiting from another area, by providing RTP with documentation of ADA certification from a transportation service in another area of the country.
Who should you apply for ADA services?
- People who, because of a disability, are unable to use the fixed-route public bus services.
How do people apply for ADA services?
- Complete this application and sign the Release of Information section.
- Applicant completes parts 1 through 7
- Have your doctor, rehabilitation specialist, or other qualified health care provider complete and sign the professional verification section.
- Licensed medical professional completes and signs Part 8
- See back of this page for where to send completed application.
**The information obtained in the certification process will be used only in the facilitation of travel. The information you provide will not be provided to any other person or agency.**
If you need help completing this application or have questions about this application please call RTP at 774-2666 Ext. 7516.