Congratulations on identifying your
Top 3 Sacred Money Archetypes!
What do I do if I have a tie for 1st, 2nd or 3rd?
Everyone's goal is to create financial freedom. For each of the archetypes that are tied, read the Sacred Money Contract next to the video (on the next page) for each Archetype, and choose one based on this question:
Which one will empower you the most to reach this goal of creating financial freedom?
Nurturer - 'To care for others by empowering onself'
Maverick - 'To balance extreme risk with financial security'
Alchemist - 'To transform ideas into financial success'
Celebrity - 'To accumulate wealth while being admired and valued in the world'
Connector - To empower financial independence through the value of relationships'
Accumulator - 'To respect the power of money by investing to create freedom'
Romantic - 'To create financial security while living life to its fullest'
Ruler - 'To innovate, achieve and empower wealth with grace and ease'
What next?
Please keep an eye on your emails! I will be sending you your results shortly and an invite for a customised Sacred Money Archetypes reading!