Program Information
Further program information can be found here.
Program Expectations
Involvement in LvL UP will include participants in active and potentially confronting scenarios. People of all fitness levels will be able to comfortably participate, however some activities may induce an increased heart rate. While every precaution will be taken to ensure your safety, it is important that you carefully consider the appropriateness of this program for you, prior to making a commitment to participate. Emergency contact details must be given.
Participants will need to sign a Deed of Confidentiality & Release and Indemnity, releasing Victoria Police, Blue Light Victoria (BLV) and Corrinne Armour from liability against any actions brought against it in respect of death, personal injury, loss and/or property damage arising from the program.
You will also be required to undergo a background check to ensure you are not a ‘prohibited person’ before wearing the Integrated Operational Equipment Vest, which is classified as a controlled weapon.
Participation requires full attendance across all three days, along with 3 weeks of peer-mentor coaching.
Participants will be required to complete some pre-program work which will be sent no later than 4 weeks prior.
Fees & Payment
Places are limited to 20 per program. Invoices will be sent to participants upon place being accepted. Payment must be made within 14 Calendar Days of the date of invoice for the course. For payments by credit card, you authorise us to debit the amount that is payable for your enrolment from your nominated card account. If we are unable to successfully process your payment, then we may cancel your order or enrolment application and we will endeavour to notify you.
Cancellation & Transfers
We may need to change the dates of course due to unforseen circumstances. If you are affected by a change in date, you will be notified by email as soon as possible and if you are no longer able to attend you will be able to:
(a) transfer to another date; or
(b) receive a refund.
If you are no longer able to attend you can transfer your place to another person within your organisation up until the Course Cut-Off Date. If this isn't appropriate you may cancel your enrolment prior to the Course Cut-Off Date, and receive a full refund of the Course Fee.
If you cancel your enrolment after the Course Cut-Off Date, but at least two weeks (14 calendar days) before the scheduled Course Commencement Date, you can transfer your place to another person within your organisation (subject to BLV approval) or receive a 50% refund.
If you cancel your enrolment less than two weeks prior to the scheduled Course Commencement Date, no refunds or transfers will be permitted unless in Exceptional Circumstances (subject to BLV).
Privacy Policy
By enrolling, you acknowledge that you have read and understood BLV's Privacy Policy and agree with and consent to the practices described in that Privacy Policy.
Prior to the Course start date, we will share your name, organisation, bio and photo with your facilitator and members of your cohort to enable peer to peer connection.
Consent & Authority
I consent to:
(a) Victoria Police & BLV undertaking a background check of me to ensure that I am not a ‘prohibited person’ (as defined in the Firearms Act 1996); and
(b) being photographed and/or video graphed (including without limitation still photo, film, digital, video and/or audio) by a photographer and/or videographer employed, engaged or otherwise approved by BLV.
I authorise the use of the photograph(s) or video(s) taken of me in whole or in part by or on behalf of BLV to be used in any and all promotional materials including but not limited to social media, Blue Light Victoria website and marketing collateral.
I acknowledge that Victoria Police may, at any time and in its absolute discretion, refuse me access to its premises - the Victoria Police Academy and Airlie Conference Centre.
I understand that I am entitled at any time to withdraw my consent by contacting Blue Light Victoria via email at and that once it receives my withdrawal of consent, Blue Light Victoria agrees to remove it/them from all program files.