Let's Cook Up Something Special!
Your Recipe for a Perfect Partnership
General Information
Gathering the Ingredients
Business Name
Primary Contact Name
Company Size
1 - 5 ppl
6 - 20 ppl
21- 50 ppl
51-100 ppl
101+ ppl
How Long has Your Company Been in Operation?
Please Select
Less than 1 Year
1 - 3 Years
4 - 7 Years
8- 15 Years
15 + Years
Email Address
Phone Number
Website Address/ URL
Social Media Handles (if applicable)
Business Overview
Chopping It Up – Tell Us About You
Describe Your Business in One Sentence.
What are Your Core Products or Services?
Who is Your Target Audience?
Competitive Landscape
Adding a Dash of Competition
Who are your main competitors?
What makes your brand unique compared to your competitors?
Brand Identity
You Got Some Hot Sauce in that Bag?
How would you describe the current state of your brand identity?
I have a complete brand identity (logo, fonts, colors, etc.).
I have some branding elements but need help putting them together.
I’m starting from scratch.
If you’re starting from scratch or need help refining your brand, tell us your vision!
Got a logo, color palette, or other assets? Upload them here!
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If your file is in SVG format, please compress it into a ZIP file and upload it
Describe Your Brand Personality in Three Words (e.g., bold, friendly, innovative).
Project Goals
Stirring Up the Big Picture
What is the Primary Objective for this Project?
Build brand awareness
Increase sales or leads
Strengthen digital presence
Other (please specify):
Please specify your objective if you selected 'Other':
What challenges are you facing?
Lack of Brand Awareness
Inconsistent Branding
Low Engagement on Social Media
Outdated Logo or Visual Identity
Declining Sales or Leads
Poor Website Performance
Unclear Content Strategy
Difficulty Connecting with Target Audience
Competition in the Market
Need for a Fresh Start or Rebranding
Other (please specify)
Please specify your objective if you selected 'Other':
Project Specifics
Setting the Table
What services are you seeking from Brandnoodle?
Brand Identity
Content Strategy
Social Media Strategy
Logo Design
Other (please specify):
Please specify your objective if you selected 'Other':
What is your preferred timeline for the project?
Isn't Cooking Better with Friends?
How involved would you like to be in the process?
Highly involved (frequent meetings and updates)
Moderately involved (milestone check-ins)
Minimally involved (review final outputs)
Additional Information
Adding a Pinch More Flavor?
Share any additional information, context, or special requests here.
Do you have any other documents you’d like to share?
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
If your file is in SVG format, please compress it into a ZIP file and upload it
Should be Empty: