Service Contract for Snow Plowing
Arctic Atlas Service Co. (AASC) and its owner are not liable for any damage to property that may be hidden or obscured by snow. This document acknowledges and informs clients that it is their responsibility to remove any property or objects that obstruct the path of plowing, or ensure that AASC is made aware, before services are rendered, of any property, objects, or boundaries that may be hidden or that have the potential to be damaged due to low or no visibility while plowing snow, otherwise the client assumes all liability for any damage to property that may not be visible while plowing snow.
When providing snow plowing services, AASC does not typically provide salting, sanding, graveling, snowblowing, and shoveling services (such as around parked vehicles or walkways However, these services may be requested for an additional fee. These services will need to be requested in writing, otherwise the Client assumes full responsibility for any injury or liability that occurs as a result of walkways or driveways being icy or impassable. Clients agree to remit payment within 14 days of services rendered, and that failure to do so may result in legal action by AASC. This document applies to all snow removal services rendered following the date and time of signature.
By signing this document the Client is alleging that they are the homeowner or authorized representative, and that they are acknowledging and in agreement of all statements made in this document.