I give permission for my child to participate in the BE & AGWG's Big Sis Little Sis Program. I understand that the program involves monthly events at the BE Center or within the community.
I give my consent for my child to participate in all scheduled activities, including transportation to and from community events when applicable.
I acknowledge that BE & AGWG will provide proper supervision during scheduled events, but there will be no supervision provided during times when the Big Sis and Little Sis chat via the group app. These conversations will be subject to parental and child discretion, and I understand that I am responsible for monitoring my child's online interactions if necessary. I understand that participation in the program is voluntary, and there may be certain inherent risks involved in the activities and in the unsupervised online interactions.
I understand that photographs or videos may be taken during the program’s events and may be used for promotional purposes by Beautifully EmpowHERed & Authethic Growth Wellness Group.
I have read and understood the terms outlined in this application. By signing below, I give permission for my child to participate in the BE & AGWG Big Sis Little Sis Program