If you have graduated from CSU within the last five years, or if you are graduating in Spring Semester 2024, you are eligible to apply to the CSU/CIA Post-baccalaureate program! The students who are chosen will receive one-year scholarships to further their studies at the Cleveland Institute of Art, tuition free. Up to eight recent graduates from Cleveland State University may recieve the award each year.
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Application procedure:
Application package requires 12 digital images or videos, list of works, a personal statement outlining artistic and personal goaIs, and a resume.
All images must be under 2MB and in JPG or PNG format. Image minimum size 1000x 1000 pixels, maximum 3000x 3000 pixels.
Video and Time-based work: Image uploads are required on the application. Create still screen shots of your time-based work to upload. On the image information make it clear in the Media field that it is time-based. In the dimensions field, include the duration of the piece. There is an optional Time-Based field for links to video work posted online. Copy and Paste the URL to this field.
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