DCC Sketch Cram!
Sketch Cram is Dallas Comedy Club's very own sketch competition series! We challenge 5 writers to create, produce & direct a brand new sketch in just 7 days inspired by one word. The audience votes for their favorite sketch of the night to advance to the finals. The winner gets swag, bragging rights, a free class @ DCC (up to $400 value), and sketch show of their own! 1st Round Dates: 2/23, 3/23, 4/27, 5/25, 6/22; CRAMPIONSHIP: 7/27
First Name
Last Name
The next Sketch Cram dates are TBD! Sign up here to be notified when registration for the next competition!
Please let me know when the next Cram is!
Which date(s) are you available to compete?:
Are you available to compete in the finale CRAMPIONSHIP on 7/27?
No :(
I understand and agree that, should I be chosen for Sketch Cram, I will write an original sketch that falls within the theme or challenge for that particular week
Yes, I understand and agree
I understand and agree that, should I be chosen for Sketch Cram, I alone am responsible for casting, directing, staging, etc. my own sketch
Yes, I understand and agree
I understand and agree that should I need to drop out for any reason whatsoever, that I will alert the DCC Artistic Team ASAP so they may find a replacement
Yes, I understand and agree
Should be Empty: