I understand that activities involved at MASSSVCS can be dangerous and hazardous. The activities require certain degrees of skill, ability, and physical condition, and the participant must be in good health.
I understand that these activities can result in serious injury, disability, and/or death to the participants and/or me. I assume any and all risks, damages, or injuries I/we may incur while on MASSSVCS premises. In addition, if I/we observe any hazard or danger during our participation, I/we will bring it to the attention of the nearest MASSSVCS employee and/or management immediately.
I hereby certify that my child, dependent, or ward is physically fit for participation in activities at MASSSVCS and has the required skill level. I agree that before my child, dependent, or ward participates in any activity at MASSSVCS, I will inspect the related facilities and equipment. In connection with any injury sustained or illness experienced during the activity, I authorize any emergency first aid, medication, medical treatment, or surgery deemed necessary at my cost.
I, for myself and the participants named below, and our respective heirs, assigns, administrators, personal representatives, and next of kin, hereby release and forever discharge MASSSVCS and their officers, members, agents, employees, directors, trustees, affiliates, other participants, and all other persons and entities acting on their behalf, from any and all claims, actions, damages, injuries, liabilities, costs, or expenses, including attorney fees. I forever waive the right to sue or exercise any legal actions against MASSSVCS.
I have reviewed the operational rules and understand that it is my responsibility to ask questions about the operational rules and regulations if necessary.
I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that I/my children understand the rules.
Although there are referees to observe children/adults playing, it is my responsibility to supervise my children and my own activities. MASS SVCS is not an insurer or guarantor of my children's safety; they do not assume parental responsibility to supervise and direct my children's activities. I will bring any observation of the rules being broken to the attention of MASSSVCS staff.