This clinic requires athlete and coach participation. Athletes will take an active part in these workshops; please note the workshops or morning sessions are considered training session for the athletes. During the workshops/training, there may be downtime for the athletes, please ensure they have drink bottles and snacks. Please note, athletes will be physically active during training and with all physical activity there is a risk of post muscle soreness or potential injury.
By consenting, it is important you understand the athlete will be working under the instruction of their coach and/or qualified workshop presenter. The athlete will be under the direct supervision and responsibility of their club coach and as such, Gymnastics South Australia does not accept any liability for any loss or damages whilst attending squad sessions. It is the club/personal coaches’ responsibility to ensure their accreditation, insurance, Working with Children Checks and standards of coaching and behaviour meet the required standards at all times.
Gymnastics South Australia is committed to providing a Child Safe, Child Friendly environment. Coaches and Presenters are bound by Gymnastics Australia’s code of conduct. I have understood and acknowledged the above information and consent for the participant to take part in this training oppourtunity.