The Heart Registration Form
This form is for the groups who want an information table at the event. Tables are provided. Please bring your own display boards, table decorations and marketing collateral. Sales of goods, or tombolas and raffles is not allowed. Please fill out the form carefully for registration
What type of group are you?
Community Group
First Name
Last Name
Company/Group Name
Contact E-mail
Contact Number
Area Code
Phone Number
I agree not to sell items or conduct raffles or tombolas on our stall, and will provide information relating to our group only
Do you need any additional arrangements (hearing loop, quiet area, wheelchair access)
Yes (please provide details in the comments section)
Additional Comments - Please provide details of what you would like to feature on your information table
How many representatives will you be bringing? Maximum of 3 (all representatives will receive free entry to the event)
Would you also like your group/charity to be showcased in a 60 second reel during the event?
Yes (slides/video will need to be sent to GCC by 1st Feb 2025)
No thank you
yes but we don't have slides or videos
Should be Empty: