Dear Parents:
The SVdP lunch program will gladly provide a sack lunch for your child in conjunction with his or her upcoming activity; that sack lunch will include a cold sub sandwich, Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips, carrots with ranch dressing, a fruit cup, a cookie, and a choice of beverage.
You may opt to send a lunch from home with your child as well (in which case you won't need to submit this form). Please include a drink with that lunch.
If you wish to order an SVdP sack lunch for your child's scheduled activity on December 5, please sign up below for the meal and beverage option desired.
This form will allow for placing orders for up to three individuals; unneeded order options can be left blank. Parents going on field trips as chaperones may order sack lunches as well. Please submit a second order form if you have needs beyond three sack lunches. All First Name and Last Name data fields should list the person for whom the lunch is being requested and not the parent placing the order.
Your child's lunch account will be charged for sack lunches ordered at regular meal rates.
Sack lunch orders for your child's field trip must be received by 3:30pm on Tuesday, December 3.
You will receive an email confirmation of your order after clicking on the Submit button.
Thank you for your support of the SVdP lunch program.
Amy Dougherty
Food Services Director