Teacher Application
Please fill out all fields completely and in detail. This information will be used on the website listing, social media and for the classes team to create a contract for your class. Be as complete as possible and attach your class photos at the bottom of this form. If you teach more than one class, please fill out a separate form for each class. We look forward to working with you!
First Name
Last Name
Mailing address (required)
Email (required)
Phone Number (required)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Class title and description. If you have more than one class you are interested in teaching, please fill out a separate form for each class (required)
How many days is this class?
List your preferred dates times and hours. (required). Are you open to other dates? if so, please list those dates here
List the Minimum and Maximum number of students. (required)
Instructor Fee (required) If you aren't sure or need to discuss that with us put "TBD" here.
Suggested Student Tuition (required) If you aren't sure, put "TBD" here.
Is there a materials fee for this class? How much? (note: materials fees are paid directly to the teacher) (required)
List the materials that students need to bring to class. 1 per line. Put 'no fee' if you are including materials in the class cost.
Instructor bio (required)
Are you interested in giving a talk prior to your class? Let us know and our outreach team will reach out to you.
Please Select
Your Website, social media (required)
List any additional information or questions here.
Should be Empty: