Attendance requirements
Regular monthly Board meetings: UNFCU Directors are expected to attend every regularly scheduled Board meeting (and on rare occasion, a specially convened meeting), whether in person or remotely.
Executive sessions: Each month, prior to the regular Board meeting, the Directors meet in extended executive session.These meetings are official meetings of the Board and are normally held over lunch on the day before the Board meeting. An essential element of the Board’s governance process, these sessions provide the members of the Board the occasion to develop Board positions and formulate policy. Participation in executive sessions is important for informed participation at the open Board meetings.
Expectations for attendance at these executive sessions are the same as for the regular monthly Board meetings.
Annual Board Planning Session: Director participation in the Annual Board Planning Session is mandatory.
Committees & working groups: Board members are expected to participate as necessary in certain committees, on boards, or in ad hoc working groups.
Other official Credit Union events: Directors are expected to attend or participate in, as appropriate and feasible, the following official UNFCU events:
- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the related organizational meeting
- Approved credit union conferences or seminars (maximum two per year)
- Board/Senior Management official events (annual reception and other official scheduled events)
- Special training programs (as arranged either at the behest of the board or management, or in response to regulatory requirements)
- Following election to the Board, newly-elected Directors are required to attend a specialized course on the Policy Governance Model within the first year of service. This is normally a two-day session conducted by a consulting firm with expertise in this governance model. Newly-elected Directors are also expected to attend in person a one-day orientation program at UNFCU headquarters shortly after their election to the Board.
Notwithstanding the performance criteria set out above, some flexibility may be exercised.