When: Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 9 am – 4 pm
Where: Downtown Newberry, along North and South Seaboard Drive (Larry Keane Drive) Just off of Newberry Road / S.R. 26. Inside Barry Park and the Municipal Building.
Setup: Specific set-up times will be given depending on your placement. As the event approaches (1 week ahead), you will be provided additional information for check-in, parking and other logistics.** Please note - we will not change your spots after they are assigned. Special placement request must be made at the time of your application. We can not guarantee a specific placement but will try to accomodate the request.
General Festival Venders (Non- Food): Start 9:00 am – End 4:00 pm TEAR DOWN: After 4:00 PM. Early tear down is not allowed. Any vendor who violates this policy may not be accepted in future years.
Fees: $ 75 – Regular Space (Arts, Craft, Services, Apparel, Carnival Vendors etc)
$ 0 – Newberry Non-profit Groups (Must please include Non-Profit Doc.) (limited number of spaces are available)
Concessions and Specialty Food Vendors: Food vendors will be selected based upon your menu offerings. All concession and speciality food vendors must be fully licenses and insured. Verification of proper licensing must to be provided at time of application. Failure to provide required documentation will result in the immediatle denial of your application. Preference will be given to members of NMSO and selections made at the sole discretion of NMSO.
Start 9:00 am – End 4:00 pm TEAR DOWN: After 4:00PM. Early tear down is not allowed. Any vendor who violates this policy may not be accepted in future years.
Fees: $ 175
BBQ Contest Contestants: We have two categories in which to participate. Backyard (amature division) or Commercial (professional division). This is a non-sanctioned event.
A contestant is any individual, group, restaurant, etc., referred to as a team. These teams will prepare and cook an entry or entries for the purpose of being judged. The rules listed below will apply to both Commercial Division and Backyard Teams.
Equipment: Each team will supply all of the equipment necessary for the preparation and cooking of their entry including a cooker, wood, charcoal, or wood pellets. No team may share a cooker or grill with any other team.
Meat Inspection: Teams will supply their own meat. All meats must be USDA inspected and passed. No pre-seasoning, injecting, marinating or cooking of any entry is permitted until after inspection by the Official Meat Inspector for the contest. Meat inspection begins at 2 PM on the day prior to the contest for those contestants wishing to cook overnight. (Overnight cooking teams must notify NMSO of their intent 10 days prior to the event by emailing Charmagne Manning at vendors.nmsoinfo@gmail.com.) For teams starting their cook in the AM on the day of the contest, meat inspections are from 6 AM - 7 AM. All teams must have their meats inspected prior to the start of the event or they will be deemed ineligible to compete in the event. All contest meat, once inspected, may not leave the cook team’s site until turn in.
Safety of Meat: All meats must be cooked to a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees F. After cooking, all meat must be maintained at a minimum temperature of 140 degrees F in a covered container until turned in for judging.
Cooking Fuels: The only approved cooking media are wood, charcoal, or wood pellets. Gas of any kind, or any electrical heating element, may be used only to start the initial fire or to start burn barrels, charcoal chimneys, etc. A gas starter, gas flame, or electrical heating element may not be used in the cooker after the meat has entered the cooker or during the cooking process. Gas bottles must be disconnected from the cooker once the fire has started and must be removed from the immediate cooking area. A gas flame or electrical heating element may not be used in the cooker during any part of the cooking process.
Approved Cookers: Any wood, charcoal, or wood pellet fired cookers, homemade or commercially manufactured cooker will be allowed. Electric or manual operated rotisseries or rotating shelves are permitted during the cooking process. Electric or manual operated wood, charcoal, or wood pellet augers are permitted during the cooking process. Electric or manually operated power draft devices are permitted during the cooking process. No fryers of any kind are permitted. No electric, gas, wood, charcoal or wood pellet fryers are permitted during the cooking process. Frying with any form of fat, butter, or any type of oil is prohibited.
Contestant Sites: Each team will be assigned a cook site. All equipment including cooker, canopy, trailer, etc. must be contained within this space. If additional space is required, the team should contact the Contest Organizer and make satisfactory arrangements. Spaces are roughly 20 X 20.
NMSO will provide water connections and electricity via large generators. Please bring your own waterhose and extension cords.
Conduct: Every team, including members and guests, are expected and required to exhibit proper and courteous behavior at all times. A quiet time will be in effect from 11:00 pm on the night prior to the contest judging, remaining in effect until sunrise on the day of the event. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on site.
Cleanliness and Sanitation: All teams are expected to maintain their cook sites in an orderly and clean manner and to use good sanitary practices during the preparation, cooking, and judging process. The use of sanitary gloves is required at all times while handling food. Failure to use sanitary gloves may result in disqualification. Teams are responsible for cleanup of their site once the competition has ended.
Meat Categories:
a. Chicken: The team may cook chicken whole, halved, or individual pieces.
b. Pork Ribs: Baby Back or spare ribs only, meat on the bone. No country style ribs and no chopped, pulled, or sliced rib meat loose in the box.
c. Pork: Whole shoulder, Boston butt or Picnic only which must weigh a minimum of four pounds. Must be cooked as a single piece of meat. Once cooked, it may be separated and returned to the cooker for finishing.
d. Beef Brisket: Packer trimmed, flats or points. Corned Beef and pastrami are not allowed
Turn-in Times: Each meat category turn in time will allow for a 10-minute window, that is 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after the time as suggested below:
a. Chicken: 11:00 AM
b. Pork Ribs: 12:00 PM
c. Pork: 1:00 PM
d. Brisket: 2:00 PM
We will provide the official turn-in containers upon your check-in. Also, garnish is not required but recommended for beauty of your boxes.
Winners announced and awards presented at the Main Stage at 4:00 - 4:30 PM.
Backyard Contestants will not be able to sell their food at the event. They will only be able to compete for bragging rights, the cash prize for categories and any associated sponsor prizes.
Fees: $25 per team, per category in which you will compete.
Commercial Contestants that hold a State of Florida license will be permitted to sell their food as a festival vendors in addition to submitting competition plates. Commercial Contestants must be fully licenses from Division of Hotels and Restaurants and be insured. This verification MUST be provided at time of registration. Menu items available for sale: 50% of your approved menu must be BBQ items and sides. Please, no beverages or other festival foods as we will have specific speciality vendors for those products.
Fees: $50 per team, per category in which you will compete.
Car Show: No pre-registration is required. Please check in and register on site to participate. Last year we had around 100 cars. Prized are awarded. Registration time and fee will be announced on our facebook event page. Please follow the event site for more information as the event approaches. - https://www.facebook.com/events/1164729864730103
Important: Fees are not due until after you receive notice from the organization that you have been approved. Once approved, you will immediately received a notice from Jotform requesting payment. Notices will be sent via the email address used to complete this application. Once you receive the notice of approval and request for payment, please process within 3 days to keep your reserved spot! If you have questions or concerns related please email Charmagne Manning at vendors.nmsoinfo@gmail.com