Join Gabrielle Diakon from GMD Saddle Fitting in a virtual saddle fit seminar. Gabrielle talks about the importance of fitting each horse to their specific needs, spots to look for that often get overlooked, signs of comfort and discomfort, her unique approach to saddle fit that works for many tricky to fit horses, and more. Bring all your questions!
Gabrielle teaches riders all over the country "Yoga for Every Equestrian", biomechanics, and Western and English saddle fit clinics. She is dedicated to helping improve harmony through comfort and balance. She is passionate about putting the horses first and talks about the power of a properly fit saddle, our horses deserve it.
Author of "Yoga for Every Equestrian", clinics have been featured in many large horse publications and podcasts. She is also a western dressage judge applicant and western dressage rider so loves helping western dressage riders!
PAWDA Membership is not required for attendence but is encouraged. Membership helps support our mission of education and advancing the sport of western dressage.