By submitting the form, I/We have agreed that this Online Donation Form will be regarded as the final submission to HAFFA. I/We confirm that I/We have read in detail, understood and agree to follow the donation process. And the information we submitted by this form is complete, correct, accurate, and consistent.
本人/我們同意在遞交此網上捐款表格後, 此表格將會被HAFFA視爲最終遞交。本人/我們確認本人/我們已經細閱,明白並同意遵從捐款流程。本人/我們確認此表格所遞交的資料是完整,恰當,準確和一致的。
After submitting this online donation form, we understand that we shall receive an autoreply with the donation details submitted by our company. After verification by HAFFA and HKL3C, a donation receipt for tax deduction would be issued for any donation amount of HKD$100 or above after the event by the Life Commitment Charity Club Limited (HKL3C).
I/We confirm that I/We have read in detail, understood and agree to abide by the participants' instructions/rules and regulations set by HAFFA. And I/We consent to the use of my/our personal data provided on this form in accordance with HAFFA’s Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement.
本人/我們確認本人/我們已經細閱,明白並同意遵守參加者須知、HAFFA之安排及指引。本人/我們同意根據 HAFFA 的私隱政策聲明和個人信息收集聲明使用本人/我們在此表格中提供的個人數據。
I/We clearly stated that I/we am/are responsible and no responsibility will be held to the individual and/or organization of the organizer if the submitted information is incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate or inconsistent.
Disclaimer: This website and registration system is maintained by HAFFA and contains information provided by HAFFA from time to time. Personal data shall be collected directly by HAFFA and proceeded per HAFFA’s Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement through the use of this website and registration system. Users are advised to read HAFFA Privacy Policy before providing any personal data and continuing with the reservation/registration process.
免責聲明內容如下 (以英文為準):
聲明:本網站和註冊系統由 HAFFA 維護,並會不定時更新訊息。個人數據按照 HAFFA 的隱私政策和個人信息收集聲明進行直接收集。 網站使用者應在提供任何個人數據前參閱 HAFFA 的私隱政策聲明和個人信息收集聲明。